Bone Broth Stew Recipe

You’re probably aware by now that the staff of our Horseheads, NY facility occasionally like to share healthy snack ideas, nourishing recipes and the like. Okay….maybe a little MORE than occasionally!

Lately, bone broth has become all the rage…and for good reason! Benefits include a nice boost to your immune system, healthier bones and teeth, an improved mood and more. Give this article on the Louise Hay website a quick once over.
The 18 Amazing Benefits of Bone Broth
Also, this article from the Dr.Axe website
The Healing Power of Bone Broth

At any rate, we hope you enjoy this delicious and nourishing recipe for bone broth stew provided by one of our newest AgeLess team members, Samantha. All the details you’ll need are provided below.

As we head into the colder months and the more ‘yin’ time of the year, warm and nourishing foods should become more prominent in our diets. Soups, stews, congees or porridge are great to eat and strengthen our bodies to face the harsh cold months. One of the best ways I tell patients to keep their bodies strong is to make a big batch of bone broth or bone broth stew.

Here is my favorite recipe I use in my crockpot and it leaves your house smelling, oh so scrumptious!

What you’ll need:

  • 2-4 beef marrow bones (Depending on the size of your crockpot)
  • 5 small shallots
  • 2-3 big spoonfuls of garlic
    (Sometimes I will add the garlic and shallots first with a little olive oil to brown them)
  • 2 sweet potatoes (Quartered)
  • 3-4 beets (Quartered)
  • 5 carrots (Slice into big chunks)
  • 1 bag of variety of beans (Make sure you rinse them before)
  • Salt and pepper to taste

2 tbsp Herb de provenance (If you prefer a different spice or herb, go for it! I tend to like the lavender in this mixture.)

How to make it:

Place bones and all veggies into the crockpot and add water to cover. Or, first brown shallots and garlic with oil then add bones, veggies and cover with water.

Add seasonings in and set the temperature to low and cook overnight or all day long. Around 8-10 hours. Marrow bones will have lost the meat and bones should start to look porous. Keep bones in to extract all nutrients possible.

I tend to keep mine fairly simple but you can add hearty greens such as kale, Swiss chard, spinach, mushrooms, or any of your favorite root vegetables. You can also keep this stew going by adding more water to it as you go.

If you make a big batch, this stew or broth is easily frozen to keep for you to enjoy at a later time.

Enjoy and be well!
~ Samantha

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